Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

This is a list of useful information regarding Kubernetes that the GitLab SupportTeam sometimes uses while troubleshooting. GitLab is making this public, so that anyonecan make use of the Support team's collected knowledge

WARNING:These commands can alter or break your Kubernetes components so use these at your own risk.

List of Helm CLI commands and it’s purpose: SETUP # initialize helm helm init # update helm MAC brew upgrade kubernetes-helm helm init —upgrade LINUX curl -fsSL -o gethelm.sh chmod 700 g. Microk8s tips and tricks. Pushing to this insecure registry may fail in some versions of Docker unless the daemon is explicitly configured to trust this registry.

If you are on a paid tier and are not sure howto use these commands, it is best to contact Supportand they will assist you with any issues you are having.

Generic Kubernetes commands

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet
  • How to authorize to your GCP project (can be especially useful if you have projectsunder different GCP accounts):

  • How to access Kubernetes dashboard:

  • How to SSH to a Kubernetes node and enter the container as roothttps://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30656:

    • For GCP, you may find the node name and run gcloud compute ssh node-name.
    • List containers using docker ps.
    • Enter container using docker exec --user root -ti container-id bash.
  • How to copy a file from local machine to a pod:

  • What to do with pods in CrashLoopBackoff status:

    • Check logs via Kubernetes dashboard.

    • Check logs via Kubectl:

  • How to tail all Kubernetes cluster events in real time:

  • How to get logs of the previously terminated pod instance:

    No logs are kept in the containers/pods themselves. Everything is written to stdout.This is the principle of Kubernetes, read Twelve-factor appfor details.

  • How to get cron jobs configured on a cluster

    When one configures cron-based backups,you will be able to see the new schedule here. Some details about the schedules can be foundin Running Automated Tasks with a CronJob

GitLab-specific Kubernetes information

  • Minimal configuration that can be used to test a Kubernetes Helm chart.

  • Tailing logs of a separate pod. An example for a webservice pod:

  • Tail and follow all pods that share a label (in this case, webservice):

  • One can stream logs from all containers at once, similar to the Omnibuscommand gitlab-ctl tail:

  • Check all events in the gitlab namespace (the namespace name can be different if youspecified a different one when deploying the Helm chart):

  • Most of the useful GitLab tools (console, Rake tasks, etc) are found in the task-runnerpod. You may enter it and run commands inside or run them from the outside:

    You can also use gitlab-rake, instead of /usr/local/bin/gitlab-rake.

  • Troubleshooting Operations > Kubernetes integration:

    • Check the output of kubectl get events -w --all-namespaces.
    • Check the logs of pods within gitlab-managed-apps namespace.
    • On the side of GitLab check Sidekiq log and Kubernetes log. When GitLab is installedvia Helm Chart, kubernetes.log can be found inside the Sidekiq pod.
  • How to get your initial administrator password https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/installation/deployment.html#initial-login:

  • How to connect to a GitLab PostgreSQL database:

  • How to get information about Helm installation status:

  • How to update GitLab installed using Helm Chart:

    After https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/issues/780 is fixed, it shouldbe possible to use Updating GitLab using the Helm Chartfor upgrades.

  • How to apply changes to GitLab configuration:

    • Modify the gitlab.yaml file.

    • Run the following command to apply changes:

  • How to get the manifest for a release. It can be useful because it contains the information aboutall Kubernetes resources and dependent charts:

Installation of minimal GitLab configuration via Minikube on macOS

This section is based on Developing for Kubernetes with Minikubeand Helm. Referto those documents for details.

  • Install Kubectl via Homebrew:

  • Install Minikube via Homebrew:

  • Start Minikube and configure it. If Minikube cannot start, try running minikube delete && minikube startand repeat the steps:

  • Install Helm via Homebrew and initialize it:

  • Copy the Minikube minimum values YAML fileto your workstation:

  • Find the IP address in the output of minikube ip and update the YAML file withthis IP address.

  • Install the GitLab Helm Chart:

    If you want to modify some GitLab settings, you can use the above-mentioned configurationas a base and create your own YAML file.

  • Monitor the installation progress via helm status gitlab and minikube dashboard.The installation could take up to 20-30 minutes depending on the amount of resourceson your workstation.

  • When all the pods show either a Running or Completed status, get the GitLab password asdescribed in Initial login,and log in to GitLab via the UI. It will be accessible via https://gitlab.domainwhere domain is the value provided in the YAML file.

  • PDF Link: cheatsheet-openshift-A4.pdf, Category: Cloud
  • Blog URL: https://cheatsheet.dennyzhang.com/cheatsheet-openshift-A4
  • Related posts: PKS CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet, #denny-cheatsheets

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1.1 OpenShift FAQ

Kubernetes versions for different OpenShift versionsopenshift 3.9, openshift 3.10, openshift 3.11

1.2 OpenShift Key Components

Computing virtualizationRHV (Red Hat Virtualization), based on KVM
SDN networkingBased upon OVS
VM/Cluster lifecycle managementCloudForms ?
Node healingNotification of failed components but no recovery
Container optimized OS
Container Image Compliance ScanCloudForms OpenSCAP, like Harbor Clair
Container runtimedockerd, cri-o
Container image registryOpenShift Container Registry (OCR), powered by Redhat Quay
Packages k8s cluster orchestratortectonic ?
Component PackagingAnsible modules?
CSI for Persistent volumeGlusterFS, NFS, Local storage
AuthorizationOpenShift Container Platform policy engine
Disater RecoveryNotification of failed components but no recovery
Control Plane
ReferenceLink: OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Limits
ReferenceLink: OpenShift Key Components, Link: PKS Key Components

1.3 New Concepts From OpenShift

TemplatesLike helm chart
Fine grained security policies OOTBLike k8s psp
Security Context Contraints(SCC)
Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC)
RouteLike k8s ingress
Metering and Chargeback
Operator SDK

1.4 OpenShift Solutions

OpenShift OnlineHosted by Red Hat in AWS public cloud
OpenShift DedicatedVirtual private cloud, managed by Red Hat in any AWS region
OpenShift Container PlatformAny on-premise, public, or private cloud infra with RedHat Enterprise Linux
ReferenceLink: OpenShift plans and pricing

1.5 OpenShift Glossary

OKDThe Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift.
oc command lineOpenShift command line: oc <action> <object_type> <object_name_or_id>
ProjectNamespace in Kubernetes. Resources are aggregated by projects. oc get project
BuildBuilds create a new image from source code, other images, Dockerfiles, etc. oc get build
Build ConfigurationHow to build source code and a base image into a new image. oc get bc
RouteEndpoint in Kubernetes. A route is an external DNS entry
Deployment Configurationoc get dc
ImageStreamoc get is
ImageStreamTagoc get istag
ImageStreamImageoc get isimage
Templateoc get template
Template Instanceoc get templateinstance
ExplainOnline manual oc explain pod
Red Hat RegistryBy default, all images are pulled from registry.redhat.io.
OpenShift SaaS Versionhttps://openshift.io/
OpenShift onlinehttps://cloud.openshift.com
ReferenceOpenShift CheatSheet, Rancher CheatSheet, PKS CheatSheet

1.6 OpenShift Assumptions

Single instance of K8SOne OpenShift One K8S. Use k8s namespace soly for multi-tenancy
No mixed versionsVersions must match between master and node hosts, excluding upgrade; Old oc can talk to new servers
Node rolesMaster nodes, worker nodes, and etcd nodes.

1.7 OpenShift Maintainance

Install clustersRun ansible playbooks to install OpenShift
Upgrade clustersSupport both in-place upgrade and blue-green deployments; Use ansible to upgrade clusters
Node problem healing

1.8 OpenShift Cfg Files

The default image stream and template files/usr/share/openshift/examples/, /etc/origin/examples/
Data folder for master and worker nodes/var/lib
Volumes and potential core dumps of the binary/var/lib/origin
Cloud provider specific conf(AWS, Azure, etc)/etc/origin/cloudprovider
Additional third party volume plug-ins/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins, /etc/origin/kubelet-plugins
All certificates, conf files, admin.kubeconfig, etc/etc/origin/master
Master node conf profile/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig
Used for node bootstrapping nodes other than master/etc/origin/master/bootstrap.kubeconfig
Node conf profile/etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig, /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml
Helm commands cheat sheet 5e

1.9 OC – Highlights

Get api requests verbose output with kubectl calloc --loglevel 999 get pod/dummy-deployment-6d6759c786-5kwth
Start a pod and get a shell for debugoc debug dc/jorge
Impersonate for oc commandoc --as=jorge get pods, oc --as-group=developers get pods
Use oc to do admin operationsoc adm <sub-command>
Try experimental commands of ococ ex <sub-command>
Explain OpenShift/Kubernetes concepts to meoc explain pod, oc explain replicaset
Enable oc shell autocompletionecho 'source <(oc completion zsh)' >>~/.zshrc, then reload terminal
ReferenceOpenShift CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

1.10 OC – Admin

Login/logoutoc login, oc logout, oc whoami
List routeoc get route
List all object typesoc types, oc api-resources
Start a local OpenShift all-in-one clusteroc cluster up

1.11 OC – Developer

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

Create a projectoc new-project <projectname> --description=<description> --display-name=<display_name>
Check status of current projectoc statusLink: OC CLI Operations
Show oc cli profileoc config viewLink: Managing CLI Profiles
Get all resourceoc get all
Switch projectoc project <projectname>
Create an applicationoc new-app https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
Create a new buildoc new-build https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
Manually start a build with given confoc start-build <buildconfig_name>
Stop a build that is in progressoc cancel-build <build_name>
Import an external imageoc import-image <image_stream>
Tag an imageoc tag <current_image> <image_stream>

1.12 OpenShift Source Code

Openshift Ansible DeploymentGitHub: openshift-ansible/playbooks

1.13 OpenShift Opportunty

Helm commands cheat sheets
Doesn’t support multiple clusters
OC command line could be a strengh or a weakness
Lack of SDN solution
Time-consuming for administrators’ operations

1.14 OpenShift CLI Help All

1.15 OpenShift CLI Help Admin

1.16 More Resources

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.