Visual Studio Mac Duplicate Line

The recent release of Visual Studio 2017 Preview version introduced a very small but useful feature – Duplicate Line of Code. Until now If we need to duplicate a line, we need to follow the standard copy & paste flow. With that, we lose the previous clipboard content.

  1. Visual Studio For Mac
  1. If the order of lines is not important Sort lines alphabetically, if they aren’t already, and perform these steps: (based on this related question: How do I find and remove duplicate lines from a file using Regular Expressions?) Control+F Toggle “Replace mode” Toggle “Use Regular Expression” (the icon with the. symbol) In the search Continua a leggere How to remove duplicate.
  2. Duplicating the lines: Visual Studio code helps the users to duplicate the lines above and under the given line. This is useful while coding in HTML because HTML often involves repeating the same code over and over again. Duplicating code lines in visual studio code.

Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts. Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts. Visual Studio Code is the go-to code editor for Salesforce developers. It’s free, open-source, and available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. This editor has easy-to-install extensions for syntax highlighting, code completion, and more. Visual Studio Code can be used. C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio. VC bin amd64 glut32.dll It has been reported that the stdlib header file that comes with Visual Studio 2013 has compatibility issue with the header file that comes with the 32-bit, in particular with the redefinition of exit. So you may want to avoid using this library.

I’ve been using Visual Studio as my primary code editor since 2008, and I put together a list of the top commands I use in VS 2015. I use most of these daily, but the less common ones are nice to fall back on in specific situations. I included the default keyboard bindings from the General profile where appropriate.

Visual studio for mac tutorial


1. Navigate Backward (Ctrl+-)2. Navigate Forward (Ctrl+Shift+-)These two commands are great for quickly moving the cursor back and forth between its most recent locations.

3. Toggle Bookmark (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+K)4. Next Bookmark (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+N)5. Previous Bookmark (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+P)Bookmarks are useful for saving a location that you need to refer back to often. Alternatively, you can get a second monitor and drag the document out of the tab well to keep it visible.

6. Navigate To (Ctrl+,)Navigate to classes, methods, files, etc. Uses partial string matching.

7. Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q)Search for available commands, options, and tool windows.


8. List Members (Ctrl+J)9. Parameter Info (Ctrl+Shift+Space)Show IntelliSense info without having to type a character, open paren, etc.


10. Duplicate Line (Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V)11. Delete Line (Ctrl+X)12. Move Line (Ctrl+X,Ctrl+V)Cut/Copy apply to the current line if there is no active selection.

13. Paste/Cycle Clipboard Ring (Ctrl+Shift+V)Did you get carried away with Ctrl+X and lose what you had on the clipboard? Use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the previous clipboard contents.

14. Box Editing (Alt+Shift+Arrow)Box editing lets you apply the same edit to multiple lines simultaneously, e.g. add readonly to a list of field declarations. Also works with the mouse instead of arrow keys.

15. Select Words (Ctrl+Shift+Arrow)Hold down the Ctrl key while selecting text to auto-select whole words instead of using the default character boundary.

16. Comment Selection (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+C)17. Uncomment Selection (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+U)Like most other Visual Studio commands, these will apply to the current line if there is no active selection.

18. Format Document (Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D)Why format the selection when you can format the whole document by using D instead of F?

19. Goto matching brace (Ctrl+])Matches braces, parentheses, html tags, etc. Speech recognition software for mac free.

Cisco anyconnect 4.8 mac download. 20. Find and Replace (Ctrl+F/Ctrl+H)You can get a live preview for matches on regular expressions! Use with Shift for find in files.

21. Find Next (F3/Ctrl+F3)22. Show Whitespace (Ctrl+R,Ctrl+W)Shows spaces and tabs.

Language Commands (C#)

23. Goto Definition (F12)24. Find All References (Shift+F12)Use F8 and Shift+F8 to cycle through results.

25. Quick Actions (Ctrl+.)Show available refactorings or generate code with consume-first development. This one gets more useful with every release.

26. Smart Break Line (Shift+Enter)If the caret is at the ‘|’ in Console.Writeline(Foo(4|)), Shift+Enter will add the trailing semicolon and put the caret on the next line.

Build & Debugging

27. Build Solution (Ctrl+Shift+B)28. Restore Nuget Packages (n/a)Nuget has become more common recently. For larger solutions, it’s more efficient for me to manually restore when needed instead of performing the nuget checks on every build.


29. Start Debugging (F5)30. Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+F5)31. Stop Debugging (Shift+F5)32. Exception Settings (Ctrl+Alt+E)33. Attach To Process (Ctrl+Alt+P)Useful after Ctrl+F5 or when you need to attach to something that’s already running. If you detach from a process that started without debugging, it will keep executing.

34. Step Over (F10)35. Step Into (F11)36. Step Out (Shift+F11)37. Run To Cursor (Ctrl+F10)38. Step Into Specific (Shift+F10, F)39. Toggle Breakpoint (F9)40. Enable/Disable Breakpoint (Ctrl+F9)The debugger is one of Visual Studio’s best features. With VS 2015 improvements to EnC, you can fix more types of errors without having to stop to rebuild your code.


41. Run Tests (Ctrl+R,T)42. Debug Tests (Ctrl+R,Ctrl+T)These are context sensitive. Place the caret in a method body to run a single test or in a class to run the tests from that class.


These commands cover most of my daily usage of Visual Studio. Note that you can browse or customize all Visual Studio commands and keybindings from the Options dialog (Alt+T, O, K). If you find yourself repeatedly performing a certain command, assign it to a keyboard shortcut. Unused keybindings are rare, so feel free to repurpose an existing one.

Did I leave out any of your favorite Visual Studio commands? Let me know in the comments.

Suppose you’ve cloned a project from a GitHub repo that contains multiple branches. By default, Git pulls down the main tracking branch (e.g. master in most cases). That’s why you see a local checked-out (bolded) master and a remotes/origin master branch.

For the other branches under remotes/origin, Git doesn’t automatically pull these down. The branches listed under remotes/origin are called “remote tracking branches”. I believe these are also referred to as “remote branches” but the “tracking” is implied. Can you have a remote branch that isn’t a remote tracking branch? I guess not. I guess even if you checked out a “remote tracking branch” without the tracking flag (or without the checkbox checked), you’d still have the original “remote tracking branch” alongside the local non-tracked branch.

You cannot check out these remote branches directly. I guess if you could, you’d be working directly on the server instead of your local machine, which wouldn’t make too much sense, and probably wouldn’t be possible since a bare git repo (aka the git server you’re checking out from) doesn’t have a concept of a working directory. No idea. Just thinking out loud here.

Suppose you want to checkout the `for-review` branch to do work. First you’d need to create a new branch. Note just like 13* we’re going the long way around, meaning we’re not going to choose the “checkout” command in the context menu. We’re going to manually create the local branch first, then checkout, to see the process.

First, right click on the remote branch, and select New Local Branch From on the context menu, just as if you were creating any other branch. The Create Branch window section will appear.

Note how Visual Studio auto-populates the name of the local branch as `for-review` You could change the local branch name. You could also do `private string @long`. I’m sure the `@long` is far worse.

Checking the Create Branch button creates the local `for review` branch. Because the default is the Checkout branch Autocad mac os x free download. option checked, the `for-review` is bolded.

I believe the Checkout command on the context menu for a remote branch will perform the above steps, but I’m not sure if there are any differences. For example, I’d assume the checkout command keeps the defaults (e.g. Track remote branch and Checkout branch – of course). In any case, when I’m trying to learn something new, it is helpful for me to see what is going on step-by-step as much as possible.

If I have any of the above terminology wrong, please let me know!!

Visual Studio For Mac

*Heaven Sent was one of the best Doctor Who episodes in a LONG time. Wow, just wow.