Adguard Chrome

Firefox & Chrome Firefox now supports DoH, we can manually enabling and disabling DNS-over-HTTPS at Preferences General Network Setting Enable DNS over HTTPS. Change to Custom in the Use Provider and set the query url to the one shown on AdGuard Home’s web interface under Setup guide. AdGuard VPN for Chrome ensures full identity protection by the traffic to a VPN server. Furthermore, it can block WebRTC, which allows visited websites to detect your IP address, and it can change. AdGuard AdBlocker effectively blocks all types of advertising on all web pages, even on Facebook, YouTube, and others! ## What AdGuard AdBlocker does: ★ Blocks all ads: video ads (includes YouTube adblock), rich media advertising, unwanted pop-ups (pop-up blocker), banners and text ads (includes Facebook adblock) ★ Speeds up page loading and saves bandwidth, thanks to the missing ads.

AdGuard Browser Assistant is available for all popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, and Yandex. To install the one you need (or many, it is not prohibited but even encouraged), go to our website, click the browser icon and tap the Download button.


Adguard Chrome Edge

  1. Mining warning not showing in Firefox?

    See my post in this thread.'m posting it hear also since my main concern is why is Firefox not showing the warning? In Chrome I get the below message warning, but nothing in Firefox. Same site visited at the same...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 3
    • Forum: AdGuard for Firefox
  2. [Решено] (||

    Смотрю ролики с сайта ( , у них нет собственного плеера, поэтому они используют чужие, просто загружая их к себе. Вот, собственно смотрю у них постоянно через один плеер (Рекламные ролики встроены в плеер(т.е. аналогично как на ютубе). При начале...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 83
    • Forum: Пропущенная реклама
  3. R

    Blockchain Mining Detection Going Off A Lot, Starting Today

    Hi--I'm getting a whole rash of popups of the form:This has been happening on roughly half of the sites that I've visited, but not all.This started today--haven't ever seen this message before then. I'm just running the browser extension (filter Version, which seems to have...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Mac)
  4. B

    Advice on filters and avoiding duplication

    (1) I have uninstalled the Chrome 'I don't care about cookies' extension, since I see that AdGuard has a version in its filter list which I assume will be system-wide and thus better than the Chrome extension. Is there a list of other Chrome extensions or Mac apps I won't need any more, now that...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 0
    • Forum: Discussion (AdGuard for Mac)
  5. A

    Всем привет! можете объяснить, что это? Появилось сегодня, появляется, приемущественно, в VKНажимаю отмена, окно исчезает, а потом, через какое - то время, опять появляется!Если открыто несколько вкладок, то может появится на всех одновременно, либо в разное время. Гугл ответов не дает. Что с...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: AdGuard для Chrome, Яндекс.Браузера и Opera
  6. J

    DNS unreachable when using AG + Chrome browser + Google Home

    Issue: DNS becomes unresolvable within 15 seconds of starting Chrome, if AG and Google Home are on.Background: I run about 140 tabs on Chrome (yes, yes, I know) and have never had any troubles with Chrome or AG until I started using my new Google Home - literally 30 seconds after I started...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Windows)
  7. M

    HTML/Phish (Virus detected Chrome on Windows)

    After much testing - clearing the chrome cache -- uninstalling and reinstalling chrome -- I finally figured this out: when logging into on chrome with Adguard enabled, the Windows Defender Security Center is triggered, telling me I have a SEVERE problem (I have attached a...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 12
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Windows)
  8. Selection Mode is buggy

    I'm trying to select an blockable feature on the website. I have ,Selection Mode' opened from browsers right-click menu. When ,Selection Mode' is opened, then when I scroll web page or move ,Selection Mode' pop-up, then green frames are disappearing. So I can't select anything. When I don't...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 5
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Windows)
  9. K

    Adblock for other browser.

    Other than safari. I also uses other type of browser like chrome. How do I enable that?
    • Thread
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Feature Requests (AdGuard for iOS)
  10. D

    Подскажите как правильно настроить блокировку

    Добрый день. Подскажите пожалуйста 2 вещи. Используется Google Chrome.1) Как нибудь можно заблокировать для rss лент, то что находится над rss лентой?Я использую это дополнение для лент:
    • Thread
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Общие вопросы по AdGuard для Windows
  11. B

    No extensions installed in trial version?

    Hello,I'm testing the trial version of Adguard. If I understand correctly, some browser extensions are supposed to be installed too - but I see no new extensions on Google Chrome or Firefox, even if these are enabled in Adguard settings.Should I install these extensions separately?Thanks in...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 2
    • Forum: AdGuard for Chrome and Opera
  12. P

    manual select of add not working

    Using 2.3.4 of AdGuard on Chrome for Windows ver. 51.0.2704.79 (latest versions as of writing, but same behaviour on previous versions of Chrome), AdGuard does not allow me to manually select an add to block.On the website, I scroll to a add to be blocked. Right-click and select 'Block ads on...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 7
    • Forum: AdGuard for Chrome and Opera
  13. L


    Добрый вечер! Есть небольшая проблема с 'WFP-драйвером', у меня установлена Win10pro 64, проблема заключается в том, что по умолчанию adguard не фильтрует браузер edge. При включении драйера WFP (после включения фильтрация работает) перестают открываться страницы в браузере Chrome и Edge в том...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 8
    • Forum: Техническая поддержка (AdGuard для Windows)
  14. B

    [*] Unblock Rapportive Extension for Gmail

    Hi Guys, I'm having problems trying to unblock the Rapportive Chrome Extension for Gmail. I've tried whitelisting both Gmail and Rapportive and it's still being blocked. Any advice?
    • Thread
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Mac)
  15. Релиз AdGuard для Chrome/Opera/Яндекс.Браузера

    Всем привет!Сегодня вышел Adguard для Chrome и Opera версииЧто нового в версии* Добавлено контекстное меню* Исправлена проблема с ручной блокировкой flash-объектовОн доступен по ссылкам:Adguard для ChromeAdguard для OperaAdguard для Яндекс Браузера будет в...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 5
    • Forum: Релизы браузерных расширений
  16. AdGuard for Chrome released

    Hello all! Adguard for Chrome/Opera has been published to the Chrome store and to Changelog: What's new in version * Added context menu * Fixed manual blocking of flash objects Extension is available by this link: Chrome Store...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 0
    • Forum: Release Notes (Browser Extensions)
  17. Релиз AdGuard для Chrome/Opera/Яндекс.Браузера

    Всем привет!Сегодня вышел Adguard для Chrome версииЧто нового в версии* Проведен рефакторинг кода расширения. Часть кода теперь используется в Adguard для Firefox* Исправлена ошибка в работе исключений для правил сокрытия* Исправлен показ уведомления об автоопределенном...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 8
    • Forum: Релизы браузерных расширений
  18. AdGuard for Chrome released

    Hello all! Adguard for Chrome has been published to the Chrome store. Changelog: What's new in version * We have done code refactoring, part of it is now used in Adguard for Firefox * Fixed the work of Exception rules for Elements hiding * Fixed the display of...
    • Thread
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Release Notes (Browser Extensions)
  19. J

    AdGuard no loner filtering the latest beta of Chrome

    Hi,Adguard is no longer filtering the latest beta of chrome. The green shield does not appear in the Lower right. I also have ads on youtube while using chrome (version 37.0.2008.2-dev-m).Please let me know if I can help troubleshoot things.Thanks,J
    • Thread
    • Replies: 3
    • Forum: Technical Support (AdGuard for Windows)