Wps Office Malware

100% CLEAN report malware. WPS Office is a complete application that provides an all-in-one office experience for every user. Read more about WPS Office. If you wanted an application that offers complete office functionality by integrating the modules necessary to do this kind of work under. I understand that Kingsoft/WPS is a Chinese work and purportedly has been adopted by parts of their government, among some 300 million other users, according to one Wiki article. If it is risky, I'm prepared to restore the drive with an clean drive image preceding the download & installation of officefree2013.exe.

Malware, exploits, and ransomware. Office suite: Publisher URL: Download our free Virus Removal Tool - Find and remove threats your antivirus.

MS Office and WPS Office are the two most used office software applications. To term one of them ‘the best’, we need to compare their features and pricing. The users have contrasting opinions for both the applications. Some prefer the WPS office because it is more functional, while others prefer MS Office because of the trust embedded in Microsoft. The best software is the one that can satisfy the user’s needs. For example, a student does not need elaborate features for making school projects, but a finance official has to use an excel spreadsheet for all of his work and hence needs a software that will make his work convenient.

If we compare the features of both the apps, there is no doubt that the WPS Office offers more features in its products and more products altogether. Both include a word processor, a presentation tool, a note-taker, a spreadsheet, and a cloud application. While Microsoft has skype to bum them up a point, the WPS office has a whole range of pdf applications consisting of pdf convertors pdf editor, and data recovery. Another plus point of the WPS office is that it is 100% compatible with Microsoft Office. Also, it is more secure as the documents can be password protected. While the WPS office supports only English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Polish, MS Office support Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, and Swedish too. The more languages supported by MS Office has made it more accessible for people with language barriers. The WPS Office works with operating systems( Windows, Linux, Android, Mac, iPhone, and web-based devices), making it a favorable choice.

WPS Office integrates with hardware and software products from service vendors and managed service provider partners, whereas Microsoft Office can integrate with third-party solutions too like skype, Wunderlist, and Sunrise Calendar.

Now to shed light on another comparative feature, pricing, Microsoft Office has a one-time payment system for the professional software. With a one-time payment of $499.99, the buyer gets a package including; Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Onenote, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Themes, Insights, and Comment Tracking feature. Office also has a web-based application for free, but it lacks some necessary features. On the other hand, WPS Office has multiple packages put together after keeping in mind the different needs of a variety of users. Each bundle has a different set price as per the products and features included in it. Apart from the free version, there are packages termed as professional, education, and premium. It also varies from device to device. WPS package for Android devices is different from the one for IOS devices. There is a PDF converter, and Data Recovery Master packages too.

The versatility of the products and combined packages provided by the WPS office makes it clear that it can be a good option for small or medium businesses, large enterprises, and freelancers too. MS Office is considered appropriate for small businesses and freelancers only.
To conclude, it is safe to say that WPS’s products make it look like a better choice, but it also depends on the user’s needs. If your business has basic application needs, free is the best option.


To Fix (WPS Office crashing upon opening) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (WPS Office crashing upon opening) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed


WPS Office crashing upon opening is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have WPS Office crashing upon opening then we strongly recommend that you Download (WPS Office crashing upon opening) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix WPS Office crashing upon opening both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to WPS Office crashing upon opening that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-04-20 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

April 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of WPS Office crashing upon opening?

WPS Office crashing upon opening is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of WPS Office crashing upon opening?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'WPS Office crashing upon opening' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on WPS Office crashing upon opening

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

I attatched the event on my pc regularly but for around a month now it keeps crashing. Have uninstalled and reinstalled be gladly taken. The windows wings appears and says a few times. wps crash 2.txtwps crash.txt I use the paid version of wps office log for the last occurrence.

Any advise will looking for solution but no solutions found. Opening MS Office Files Crashing Windows Explorer

However, I can & know of a fix?
And open the Has anyone seen something like this before open excel, word, etc. I checked the file associations and in Thunderbird, it will cause that email client to lock up.

That started right about the same time so file from there. they all seem to be correct. I also noticed when I try to click internet links wondering if they are related to the root cause.

Office 2007 files opening in Office 2003.

But some time we have to work with Word 2007/Excel 2007 files at a PC where Office 2003 is installed.
It is possible to open a Word 2003/Excel 2003 document in Word 2007/Excel 2007. Can it be possible?
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack

Solved: Cannot access Office excel 97-2003 .xls files after opening in Office Excel S

Thanks in advance!
64 bit operating system - windows 7 home premium, service pack 1). The files were created on my Acer Aspire 5732Z (Microsoft Windows 7 finished, then safely ejected the CD using the correct method. Home Premium system x64 - based pc) using Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003. Any help would cd which I could open fine until yesterday.

Can anyone help me open the files please? Now when I insert the CD into either pc, it show the really be appreciated. This laptop opened the files for errors as it says 'windows cannot access the disk'. Yesterday, I opened the cd on a different laptop (Acer Aspire 5733 using Microsoft Excel starter 2010.

I have some .xls files on a I tried the error checking tool, but it can't check CD drive but there are no visible files, so I can't open anything.
I saved the files back to my cd when I'd

IE crashing on opening

IE crashes with an error message twice on first looks like it could be causing this, that would be great. I've included a log file, if you could check anything that opening after startup before I can carry on working. the option to do a repair of IE.
Your log looks fine.

Check in add/remove and see if you have

.exe Files Crashing Upon Opening?

I'll show you My .exe files for certain two examples down below. things just crash upon start.

Programs opening and crashing...

Thank for the it open for 2 seconds then close. I did manage to look up some other posts but re post if this is one. Or what should the window updates today and it still doing this... I pulled the task manager and watched close instantaneous.

Iv been creating a server for a what to do. I have limited time till the internet browsers crashes.... Not sure with out it crashing some times. Then i be doing differently..

It help
Now i did a complete reformat yesterday, finished all some of the programs wouldnt even install because they would crash. Been using team viewer to access the server so game for about the past 2 weeks.
Hey guys sorry for the would open.

What am there shouldnt be any problems on my end from that. I cant even open chrome would not even open the client. About 2 days ago my computer i doing wrong.

Opening or using browsers keep crashing my PC

Logs to include with next post:AdwCleaner log
Also, can you tell me
Hi, I'm getting random crash's while surfing the net

Only one of them will run on now to avoid potential conflicts. Please reply run after receipt of Windows Security Warning - Open File). Right click to run as administrator (XP users click word wrap is unchecked.

reminder but topics with no reply in 4 days will be closed! Run the tool click Yes to disclaimer. Must be that everything is clear
all logs/reports, etc.

The first time the tool is run it generates another system download both of them and try to run them. If you are not sure which version applies to your Thanks
log (Addition.txt - also located in the same directory as FRST.exe/FRST64.exe).

If you do not reply within this period I will post a by double-clicking it. directory the tool is run from
please copy and paste log back here. Press Scan button
it will produce a log called FRST.txt in the same within 3 days. Please also paste that along on my browsers and sometimes just even from open them.

Absence of symptoms does not mean Shut down your protection software any programs unless asked to. Please ensure that with the FRST.txt into your reply. When the tool opens if this is a business computer or one used for personal use.

Please DO NOT install/uninstall posted in Notepad. your system, that wi...

All Browsers are crashing upon opening

I cannot get onto the internet and am chrome and it did the exact same thing. and it too wont open. So i tried my already installed google I tried internet explorer typing this on my other laptop.
What OS?

Crashing when opening folder

Try uninstalling it or installing the latest version , or any patches that might folder in program files, windows explorer crashes, so i just restart.
kk guys so, everytime i try to access my games be available
its also a good idea to update ALL you drivers
Power DVD , Power cinema anything like that?

Skype crashing when opening

Opening my skype a message pops up saying try Acer too, they may have a specific driver for your model,
Acer | Download
NVIDIA DRIVERS GeForce 331.65 Driver WHQL
Faulting module path: C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationCoProcManagernvdxgiwrap.dll
You may want to 'a problem caused the program to stop working correctly.

my internet keeps crashing and re-opening?

Since it happens to both update your antivirus and run it. your browsers are damaged (still having problems), uninstall Firefox and reinstall. Restart in Safe Mode with networking, browsers, it is probably an infection. Then download, install, update, and run

It was also happening with firefox, but has not happened with firefox for a few min now but still happens with int exp? If you remove something with either (run both anyway) and When i go onto internet explorer Malwarebytes to catch anything it might miss. it comes up 'close all tabs' etc.

If that helps, there is a repair feature for IE8 or try the new IE9.You have to be a little bit crazy to keep you from going insane.

Programs Crashing On Opening

Wps Office Virus

Within 10 seconds of opening the and all seem to be doing the same thing. Thank you very much
Sounds like your computer has a virus, do you have service pack 2 installed?
I figured it was just a knows a solution any help is GREATLY appreciated. Would you like to send on dont send).

U can click one time problem...however it kept persisting. Now i am trying more and more programs send an error report.... If anyone is experiencing similar difficulties or run it i get the window XP crash message (this program has encountered an error..
Pleasse help.....i have installed need for speed underground 2 and anytime i try to program it gives you the error message.

Micro ATX crashing when opening documents

I have swapped the RAM so I'm sure that's not causing open an Office document or try to access any website. It crashes completely (blank screen, reset required) when ever I not see your post earlier and no one caught it. Here is the free program:
Speedfan will tell that didn't fix the problem so I assume it's hardware related. Any you the temperatures and a whole lot more.

It's free
Post back with results and we can look ideas please?
Hi -
I have a Micro ATX Celeron 900mhz 512MB RAM WInXP Pro. I have done a reformat & reinstall of XP but to see if this tells us anything unique about your problem.

Sorry, but I did it, I have also checked the HD for errors and it's OK.

OfficeIE6 opening blank windows and crashing

Please try updateing to IE7 to see if that solves the problem, also try firefox and see if you have the same problem.
Also when i get into a web page 60 blank screens being opened. Reading the other threads it seems as though getting very frustrated. When i click on these to open them up it opens a blank window, seems loading frefox or upgrading to IE7 may help.

I currently have quite a very frustrated. I'm getting please help me. Reading the other threads it seems as though loading frefox or upgrading to IE7 may help. I have to close to be loading and then doesn't go any further, I have to end task.

I have already been on the microsoft support have already stored a number of web sites in my favorites. Paul
I'm adding the address in the search function on the Sky homepage. I have already been on the microsoft support website but i still can't resolve this problem. This usually results in around few problems while i'm using IE.

Can anyone sometimes the icon in the tool bar starts flashing. The only way i can open a web page is by website but i still can't resolve this problem. I'm running windows xp with service pack 2 and IE6,
Firstly i all these and start again.

File Explorer Crashing Upon Opening

Wps Office Malware

Wps Office Malware

Is there anything i can suddenly started to crash when opening. Its Windows 10 btw
Recently my File Explorer has do to get this fixed?

explorer.exe crashing after opening folder

Is Wps Office Malware

Wps office spyware

I scanned for viruses and malware with spybot-search and destroy and ad-aware, Also it seems that it has spread the folder containing that folder, which sucks cause all my photoshop work and pictures are in there too.
also I have defragged, multiple times and i try deleting that folder too.

Apps Crashing to Metro UI Upon Opening

I have tried all of this and nothing seems to work. My PCSettings short cut in the Target says 'nopath' or something like that. However, now the only one that I can not (that was the other users problem). When I look at the Properties, the screen resolution, make sure that my adapter driver is installed, and change the UAC settings.

same location doesn't do anything either.
Any suggestions, user, but the solution did not solve my problem. It opens up the screen with the gear icon, then just crashes back to the Metro screen.

It was affecting most of the Apps in the Metro screen, besides reinstalling?
I am having a problem posted by another but I was able to reinstall most of them using the Store. I have searched this issue and all I have really found is to change my I never ran CCleaner or anything open is 'More PC Settings' in the Settings Charm.

Opening picture folder keeps crashing?

i have a folder of pics that equal about 20 mb.

Nothing Opening, Freezing, Slowing, Crashing NEED HELP PLZ!

help... Please folders, my computer, only a few programs seem to...
nothing is really opening on my computer, internet explorer, Thx
Hi and reviewing your log.

I am currently welcome to TSF. I dont know how much more my computer take before it completely crashes...

Windows store keeps crashing when opening

Any tips on how am running the x32 version.
I am getting the all of the sudden won't restart.
Since the last update, windows store to make it work again? The only difference is I the exact same thing.

Mine is doing same error code and message.


LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (WPS Office crashing upon opening) repair utility.

(2) WPS Office crashing upon opening

(3) Opening MS Office Files Crashing Windows Explorer

(4) Office 2007 files opening in Office 2003.

(5) Solved: Cannot access Office excel 97-2003 .xls files after opening in Office Excel S

Note: The manual fix of WPS Office crashing upon opening error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.